It will probably come as no surprise that Instagram is still my favourite social media platform. I spend more time on it than I’d care to admit, but I feel that this is almost defendable what with Instagram becoming more than a place to discover style, scenery and of course, cats and bacon. The true meaning of Instagram is when shit gets weird, like, really weird. Surely that’s why we stay? You best your sweet ass it is!  Here’s five Instagrams that are completely making my day.

taste of streep


Correct me if I’m wrong, but this may be our Queen Meryl’s best role yet! Taste of Streep has given me life, I mean, how could we ever really understand how incredible Ms Streep would look draped over an avocado, or inside a taco, until now. Thank you internet. Best. Gift. Ever.

bb troll


A newbie but a goodie, BB is certainly got all the makings of a cult favourite! Following behind Socialite Barbie’s footsteps, we take some lessons in the art of cute from our gurl BB the troll. She doesn’t post as often as I’d like but they are always worth the wait, those videos though!

drake on cake


What can I say? You left a mark on me? You certainly did! Drake on Cake made me actually want to celebrate my birthday this year just so I could get one, or at least an attempt at one! If you love Drake (and cake) this insta is for you.

cash cats


Remember how I said Instagram was full of cats? Well, I follow a lot and cats surrounded by money may just be my favourite. Well, that and @LokitheSphinx. Obvs.



The world of Instagram is completely obsessed with food, I mean, I’m the worst offender for wanting to show off my latest plate and Rommy takes the biscuit. Well, then turns it into a handbag. You can hardly believe your eyes when you see each incredibly life-like design from this Dutch accessory designer. I mean, who wouldn’t want to casually strut around with a sandwich clutch?!

I hope you enjoyed my little list, let me know if there’s anyone you know that I should be following. It’s a big weird and wonderful world out there and I want to see it all! Make sure you follow my (very orange) life over at @foreveryoursbetty, that goes for snapchat too!

forever yours betty

About Betty

I'm Betty, a tangerine haired, glasses wearing Scottish Fashion and Lifestyle blogger with a nose for a good sandwich and an eye for style. One half of vlogging duo Colour Pop Girls and Freelance Events & PR consultant based in Glasgow.


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