Glasgow, do we know how to throw a party or what? With a city crammed full of creative people and an organically grown, vibrant, and truly daring fashion sense, our soirées aren’t just stylin’ — they’re downright happnin’! Which is exactly why new ethical fast fashion brand Nobody’s Child chose it as their first blogger party destination and brought along some favourite local brands for the ride. What can we say? Scottish bloggers do it best!
There’s nothing that brings Scotland’s fashion bloggers together faster than the arrival of a hot UK brand. Especially when the brand in question doesn’t just have high ethical values but also guarantees a guilt free fashionable wardrobe on a budget. What’s the catch? There is none. Based in London, Nobody’s Child are the high street brand we have been waiting for, with their beliefs that fashion shouldn’t be synonymous with bad quality or questionable manufacturing standards. With it being their very first visit to Glasgow it only made sense that they celebrated in style with a party in our favourite cruelty-free salon, BLOW, Finnieston.
Fast fashion is all about capturing the latest trends and making them available straight off the catwalk at an affordable price. We all want to look good, be able to wear new things and pay as little as possible for the privilege. But we need to ask ourselves, what’s the TRUE cost in fast fashion? This is why I love Nobody’s Child, it’s that peace of mind in knowing that not only my clothing is of good quality and an affordable price, but also that they will never compromise on their ethical standards.

So, how can fast fashion be ethical? Well, Nobody’s Child own the entire process from design, weaving, manufacturing, right down to the digital shop floor and then your door. By controlling the entire chain of command, NC can create what they want while keeping prices low, not to mention sleep easy that everyone in the process has been treated fairly! This is very important to their brand ethos as it allows them to ensure that their products are made ethically and to the highest of standards. It really is true what they say, you can’t get better than ‘Made in the UK’! With this in mind, NC made sure they shopped local when it came to refreshments for the party, with fresh sushi from Pickled Ginger and branded doughnuts from the newly launched Tantrum. If I said I didn’t have 4 PB&J’s I’d be lying!
New brands are faced with so much problem solving these days. What, with continuous sales, maintaining margins and the ever-more aggressive competitors growing every day. Having the complete manufacturing process under one umbrella frees Nobody’s Child from these constraints and pressures. I mean, where else could you buy an h2t made in the UK look for under £25? Soon to be Topshop, that’s where! Although it is 100% online now, Nobody’s Child will soon be within Flagship Topshop stores across the UK. Watch out Argyle Street! By the looks of this BTS video of the blogger party, the ques will be forming early!
I believe that a workable wardrobe should evolve with you and work well with each other. Although Nobody’s Child com e under a ‘fast fashion’ bracket, that doesn’t mean that you should practise wasteful consumption. Always remember the key points when buying something new: how often will you wear it, what will it go with and where would you wear it to. With their great quality, the styles may be fast off the catwalk but the quality will last as long as you take care of it. Fast Fashion with a conscience. That’s Nobody’s Child. What do you think of the new ethical brand on the block?
So jealous! I wish there was a bigger blogging community where I live- or a brand which won’t compromise on ethics like Nobody’s Child
I know it really is a rarity, where are you from? I’m sure there are bloggers lurking! X