For someone who’s hair is somewhat of a staple to their look, I really don’t take care of it the way I should. Ever since a horrific experience at a nameless hairdressers I’ve been too scared to step foot into a salon for anything less than an up doo, resorting to DIY jobs which consist of a middle shed and a pair of kitchen scissors. Then along came #BLOW…

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It has been around four years since my last professional cut and boy did it show. Lifeless, limp, lacklustre -my hair was all of those things, I mean a girl can’t get away with just good colour on its own can she?! When I walked into #BLOW you are taken back by the layout – it actually looks like a bar! Bubble chairs, lie down back washes and removable mirrors for when you just don’t want to stare at yourself with a head full of foils, owner Fallen Carberry has literately thought of everything in this contemporary colour and style bar.

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The before shot, very orange, very long, very bleugh…

I was SUPER nervous as soon as I saw those scissors but to be honest I have never really had an experience in a hairdressers like this one. Sitting at the bar and sipping on a Mamosa, the lovely Tabitha came up to me and asked “How can I help?”,  this was a pleasant surprise to the normal “what do you want?”  as  I wasn’t really sure what I wanted!  I told her three things 1) I love the 70’s 2) My hair is really brittle at the ends and 3) I want to keep growing it and that was all she needed.

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Asking how she can help really did help me get the hair I wanted without actually asking for it. I would never really know what to ask for but just nervously play with my hair until the scissors just started snipping. It also really put me at ease as she asked questions like how I wear my hair and suggestions for finishing touches etc. I was humming and hawing over a Betty Bang for a while now but after some severe deliberation I ended up going for a bit of Bardot instead, I am absolutely thrilled with the results!

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After the snip snip snipping, it was onto the real star of the #BLOW show, the signature brush #BLOWdrys. This is exactly what it sounds, an old school method using metal round brushes, smoothing and curling your hair and left in to cool. These BLOWdrys can last anything up to a week and with so much body and movement, my hair has never felt better. photo 1 (13)

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It was such a good way to spend a Thursday night with a bunch of my favourite Scottish Bloggers. I would highly recommend a group booking before a night out. I think next visit I will have to look into the amazing colours they have on offer, don’t get me wrong I love my orange, but I have been hankering for some yellow tones for a while now and I have not seen colour done like this before! Every single member of staff has been hand picked for their extreme talent and passion but I can honestly say, Tabitha – I’ll be seeing you again soon!

photo 4 (7)The #BLOW Style Ambassadors – Bee Waits, Miss West End Girl, Secret Little Stars and Thank Fifi

For all the latest hairspiration, check out #BLOW’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter until then, catch you at the #BLOWbar. What do you think of my new #BLOW?

forever yours betty

About Betty

I'm Betty, a tangerine haired, glasses wearing Scottish Fashion and Lifestyle blogger with a nose for a good sandwich and an eye for style. One half of vlogging duo Colour Pop Girls and Freelance Events & PR consultant based in Glasgow.


  1. Sorry guys! My hair is naturally blonde do make the right mix that suits my hair type. Technically what I do is not the best so wouldn’t like to recommend it! Try Crazy Colour and also dead excited about the Lime Crime hair colour which is apparently on it’s way! Happy dying!! Xx

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