The next step of the journey wasn’t really a step. It was a leap, a hurdle, a big. fucking. deal. I was dying my hair.

It has been 25 wonderful years that I have been the girl with the blonde hair and glasses. My mane has been a staple, however which way it was cut, you’d be dead certain that it would be blonde. As a natural, I progressed lighter than white, silvery grey and sweet like honey but 2012 was gonna be the year of change for me so i decided to do something I’ve said I was going to do for a very. long. time. Join the gingers.

I’m hardly an easy customer. When I stormed into the Rainbow Rooms on Georges Square Glasgow I was a woman on a mission. After a 20 minute consultation with the talented Emma, we decided how to go about going from a blonde ombre washed out mess to carrot topped glossy locks! I was a bit of a nervous wreck, but Emma was fantastic at keeping me calm and reassuring me I wasn’t gonna look like a Glasgow ned with too much love for Rihanna.

After copious amounts of dye was stretched over my once golden locks, you could say I was shocked when I caught my first glance, shocked at how natural orange looks on me! Four hours, three cups of coffee and one Vogue later I emerged a fully fledged ginger. A proud one at that!

As the tips of my hair were almost white blonde, the ends turned out a bit more orange than the gingery top, so Emma invited me back from round two of the copper dye – just on the ends – to make my hair the one colour for the first time in years! This was a much quicker stay, just in and out on a Thursday night and I had my dream hair!

Its Daphne from Scooby Doo meets Poison Ivy meets Christina Hendricks. I like to have 2:1 in my super human to human ratio at all times. This is exactly the ticket! I’m trying not to wash it as much to keep the colour, a max of twice a week but Emma has been really great with advice on styling and quick re applications of the copper! With time my hair should keep the colour in a bit easier but it will take a few goes! I also got a mini Bardot 70s fringe added. I love that i can still fit it in my top knot but adds a little more shape to compliment my new specs. All in all, I am thrilled with the results and think Emma will forever be my colour girl! Thanks so much to the Rainbow Rooms on George Square for putting up with my nervous nonsense all day. Silly Betty! What do you think of my red headedness? Just enough or touch too much?





About Betty

I'm Betty, a tangerine haired, glasses wearing Scottish Fashion and Lifestyle blogger with a nose for a good sandwich and an eye for style. One half of vlogging duo Colour Pop Girls and Freelance Events & PR consultant based in Glasgow.


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