Buona sera bella’s! Betty is just back from a wonderful break in Florence. I haven’t got around to uploading my photies yet, but do not fret they will be up on your screens soon with all the goss on what this Swollock got up to.
One of my observations in Italia was there was just as much Royal Wedding tack there as there is in the UK. Personally, I am a lover of tack and think some of these are pretty fun, and others I simply find a waste of money and I would question your sanity if you purchase.
Here are the hand made lovelies from etsy:
(Kate and Wills dress up book, I had a barbie one, hours of enjoyment)
Cheesy manicure if the weathers good
Or….If your into your knit one perl two why not go the whole crazy and knit your own wedding scene
Betty xoxo