There are many trends that have captured my heart (and wardrobe) these past few seasons; culottes, perspex heels and off shoulder tops to name a few, but for me the best one from 2016 so far is that trends don’t really matter. Your experimental 14 year old self would be over the moon to know that dressing however the hell you want – no matter how unflattering or OTT – is finally hitting its stride, with “pretty ugly” clothes suddenly coming out ontop. Woohoo!
For me, the pursuit of pretty ugly has always been as fun as the pursuit of power-dressing or the pursuit of chic. We’ve all got our favorite outfits that can’t necessarily be described as “flattering” or “polished,” but which we love dearly, nonetheless (here’s looking at you pea green raincoat, Irn Bru Bag and Granny shoes!) These are the clothes that perk up an outfit within a blink of an eye. The clothes that make you happy and feel fun when you wear them, even it’s only every once in awhile, they are worth it. Don’t get me wrong, pretty ugly fashion is not for everyone. As someone who feels somewhat of a Marmite of a person, I like to reflect it as such in my wardrobe, collecting quirky, ugly-pretty pieces to perk up my wardrobe either styled on their own, or even flung on together. Fur plastic and oversized stripes anyone?
If alleged fashion maths have told me anything, it is that these legs should not be wearing this outfit. Note: shouldn’t, but of course still do. This oversized 90’s shirt, perspex heels and furry Sara Sboul bag may not be to everybody’s tastes, but each to their mutha own! Sometimes you just want to play dress up and for me, that’s wearing a hell of a lot of texture and print. Sure, you may not want to wear an ugly or apparently unflattering outfit every day of your life — there are times everyone wants to see their waist – but dammit, the heart wants what the heart wants! So be kind to your fashion soul and celebrate the things you love just because.

One of my ultimate style icons, and champions of the ugly-pretty is Ms Leandra Medine AKA Man Repeller. She has pretty much created an empire around the argument for wearing “ugly” clothes and I can’t help but dream of owning the kind of mismatched wardrobe she does. Yea I know I really should be talking capsule wardrobes and waste not want not but seriously, all this plastic, perspex, fur and appliqué’s ugly-prettifying the high street right now has got a girl buggin’! My thoughts are, invest in the pieces you love and keep them. There are some pieces I purchased over 10 years ago that are still kept on retainer, so go with your gut and be fashionably free. What was the last thing you shouldnt but had to buy?
Love the colours in this and you are rocking those boots! xx
Thanks girl! I feel like I’m in the Jetsons in them! Xx
Great outfit…love it, I think I accidently do ugly clothes and especially shoes, for me its all about fun, colour and comfort!!
Is your hair colour a closely guarded secret or a you willing to share?, I’ve yet to be tangerine and yours is the perfect shade!!
Thanks so much! There’s a post on my homepage carosel which is guarded ha! But I will be doing one shortly with my new shade! Keep your eyes peeled! Xx