It’s officially got to the hand-numbing, nose-freezing, don’t-want-to-leave-your-flat part of December. And, if you haven’t invested in the ever trustworthy Chouchou, then you are really missing out on the heat and style stakes. When the temperature drops, so does our love for getting dressed in the morning. It’s more of a case of ‘I’ll wear whatever as long as it’s warm’ even if it is that oversized bobbled cashmere or faithful dressing gown you’ve had for years. But with a Chouchou hood, you can forget about everything else. This is an accessory that will warm up your style game and make Winter your new favourite season.
I know as soon as the cold wind blows or rain begins to fall, the first thing I reach for is one of my Chouchou hoods. The designer behind it all, Silvia Pellegrino, has been a friend of mine since I forced myself upon her once discovering her hoods. Believe me, if you are reading this from a somewhat cold or rainy part of the world, your wardrobe will not be the same without one. As practical as they are stylish, the inspiration behind her current collection is her most intimate to date and is what stirred on this photoshoot. Silvia was inspired by her very own studio and how she feels when getting ready for a night out. Half naked, wearing one of her hoods applying lipstick, there is something so sensual and powerful about the different textures upon your skin. Really, it’s all about making yourself feel good before you leave your safe place and face the world so I put myself in her shoes, and took some pictures of me in the morning before a day in out Copenhagen. Just me, my man and my Chouchou.

Your bedroom is go gorgeously light! It looks really cosy – as does the hood! <3
Gisforgingers xx
It was an air BNB in Copenhagen! The light was too beautiful in the morning, really pleased with how they turned out! Thanks xx