There are certain fashion rules that make sense to follow. Your works dress code – unless you want the sack, public-indecency – unless you want to get arrested, and weddings – unless you want to be sucker punched by the bride. But rules and faux pas are only made for people to have something to gossip about at the water fountain or to be broken, obvs. So when I read that the colour peach was only to be worn with neutrals – for the fear of looking like the Easter Bunny – I thought I would prove that this rule was one of the latter. 
The main thing is this: why would a colour be created so deliciously appealing if it wasn’t to be worn regularly. Along with the urban myth of black and blue not to be worn together (such lies) it always pains me to hear the words ‘I can’t wear that’ or ‘i wish i could wear this’. Some ‘colourists’ (don’t get me started) have told me that I can’t wear bright colours like yellow or fucia, which frankly, I find just ridiculous and wasteful. If you felt good enough to buy something there WILL be a way for you to wear it, you just need to find out the right way for you. Play with make up, accessories or even ask a friend! Sometimes the solution will be staring at you right in the face when you are blinded by all these silly rules and regulations. Fashion supposed to be fun, so play with it!
They say that woman dress for other woman, which is definitely true to some degree but really i think you should only dress for you. After all, if you feel you look good, won’t everyone else follow? Confidence in what you are wearing whether it be jeans and a tee or some OTT ‘niche’ number. The trick is if you feel good, you look good – to everyone – FACT.
I found these peach trousers in my favourite Glasgow Vintage Company for just £7. The colour was perfection and even though they were slightly tight at the thigh, they made it home with me. They fitted my waist perfectly and a pair of heels would slim my legs those tiny millimetre required to make them fit like a (snug) dream. I’ve worn them with shirts, band tee’s, converse and brown suede mules, but my favourite had to be the one that broke all the rules. All I needed was my Easter Bonnet…
Denim Jacket – Old Primark, Peach Trousers – Glasgow Vintage Co,
Shoes – Lazy Oaf, Top – Topshop, Bag – Cainbridge Satchel Co.
I have had this confetti style crop from Topshop for a few seasons now and thought it was a total trend piece. It has lost some of its shape with wash n’ wear but i actually think i prefer it this way! You can bend the shape to fit the style of bottom you are wearing, and also adds a cutesy texture to every outfit you wear it with. To prove my point on Peach and Pastel gate, I pulled every sugary sweet colour from the top and added to my accessories for a H2T pastel look. I think if you wore this look with anything other than a flare, it would be too cutesy even for me. A flare is the perfect way to introduce forign colours to your wardrobe, it’s too classy a shape to be wronged for its colour! So what do you think? Will you be putting some peach into your wardrobe?
Fantastic! Some fashion rules deserve to be broken and you work those trousers!
X x
Aw thank you! Vintage trousers have the best colours and styles! X
This is such a good post! I love those trousers, and the idea of dressing for yourself.
Amber | y a c h t s m a a n
GIRL! The colour palette of this is just too cute, I loooove it. Looking amaze as per
Aw thanks so much! A wee pastel peachy dream! Ha!! Xx