It is hard to remember life before the ScotStreetStyle hashtag, bringing people together both virtually and physically, Gordon (that’s G to you and me) has been the driving force behind the thriving online community and he needs OUR HELP!
Unless you have been living under a rock you would know that Scot Street Style is far on its way to launch its first book, #ONWARD. The crowdsourced book is asking EVERYONE to share their stories about the community and is set to feature stylish locals as well as bloggers, designers and insta darlings from around the country, but that’s not all the help we are talking about…

To help realise the project, Scot Street Style and publisher Tiger Forest are using Kickstarter – insert South Park joke here – to raise £7,000 to cover printing costs and drive the price of the book down, making it accessible everyone. With little over a week to go G has called upon the friends of the creative community to pledge and secure high profile rewards for people donating. Bundles include portraits from legendary local photographers Simon Murphy and David Boni, most known for his work with high profile clients like Wonderbra and Gilette. There has also been some fantastic rewards put in place by Award Winning Judy R Clark and the incredibly talented jeweller Dauvit Alexander amongst many others. Check out the full list here!
“#Onward! Scot Street Style Annual 2015 will showcase the amazingly diverse, creative and vibrant energy of Scotland. Our goal is to collect and squeeze as much of this into our first annual – a beautifully produced, square (to reflect our start on Instagram!) 300 page hardback book that will sit proudly on coffee tables and shelves across the world. “ G

The project has been made possible by the support of niche publishing company Tiger Forest with an exclusive book launch party set to be held in Edinburgh indie retailer The Brotique. If you want your ticket to the party, the only invite is through a pledge. People can donate to #ONWARD! by donating whatever they can to the Kickstarter fund. If we don’t meet our target, pledges will not be charged and receive their cash back. If the project succeeds however, they will be part of a thriving community and receive some excellent one off rewards from some of the most talented creatives in the country.

If you would like to submit yourself to the Scot Street Style ONWARD! book, please send an email to oor G at If you are a designer / retailer and would help to donate a bundle to the kickstarter fund, please get in touch via If there are any retailers interested in stocking the ONWARD book, please see the kickstarter page for bulk buying orders. Just remember, we only have 7 more days to make this all possible, don’t forget to share everything ONWARD! See you at the launch party!