September is the month that marks the start of Autumn, a new season full of new beginnings for potential new wardrobe purchases. Schools start, leaves begin to fall and the official hunt for my brothers birthday present begins. Shopping for boys has been a love/hate thing for me all my life. There are some people who are an absolute joy to buy for, you know their style, interests and when you find the perfect gift you get that tingly feeling after finding something perfect. Then you get my brother.

Apart from being my best friend, it is hard to describe my brother in a few words. Interests? Well there’s cycling, cooking, video games and Black Sabbath. You would think he would be the easiest person to buy for, think again. Some guys can’t go a day without buying themselves a wee treat, whether it be a new shirt for the weekend or those trainers they needed to replace, this is definitely not him. For me gifts should be something you wouldn’t normally buy yourself but every year I find myself buying him the boring essentials that would make mum happy when we pop round for Sunday dinner. Sick of being the supplier of shite presents (basic tees, socks and that blazer he never wears) I’ve been stressing about finding the perfect gift and thankfully, The Brotique has taken it away by heading to Glasgow for it’s first ever two week pop up ! REJOICE!!!!
Who and what is The Brotique I hear you ask? The Brotique is a shop through in Stockbridge, Edinburgh that takes all the blood, sweat and tears out of shopping for men. From taking care of their precious facial hair to the most nifty of manly accessories, The Brotique offer a tailored selection of products designed to meet the requirements of the modern man. For me, what makes The Brotique wornderful is the ManHamper packages. You can pick from many or create your own with the help from the staff, either way it’s a sure way to get you on someone’s favourites list! I literally spent a good hour trawling though and finding endless options that would make my bro (and even my Dad) have kittens like little school boys. There is something to suit every budget so I’ve picked my favourites that would make the men in my family very, very happy. First off lets blow the budget with The Bear Grylls Hamper.
Down from £75 to £50, the Bear Grylls Hamper has everything a man may need to survive the jungle, the beach, hell everyday life! Including the one and only Gerber (keychain multi tool that everyman must have one apparently), canteen and serving cup (millitary sandard, obvs), firestarter kit (because did you watch how long it took regular men to do it?!) and finally a Survival Bracelet. I know what your thinking, all makes sense but the bracelet but apparently, old Bear couldn’t live without his. Weighing in at less than 1 ounce, the Bear Grylls Survival Bracelet is lighter than your watch, yet it packs resources to help you fashion a splint, repair broken equipment or secure a shelter in the field. Talk about multi purpose!
For mid level shopping I had to choose the Nutter Cycle Multi tool. Chosen not only for its amazingly amusing name, there’s nothing nicer than having something practical that has exquisite packaging to boot. Featuring all the essentials for fixing your most common bike headaches, The Nutter combines everything you may need into one handy, leather clad multi tool. Can’t tell you exactly what to do with it but it sure looks pretty!
Last up is my ‘stocking fillers’ and The Brotique has some great entry prices to please your purse and the man in your life! Keeping in with the cycling theme, I’ve been meaning to pick up these ‘Trophy Cycle Rack doo dahs for some time now. My bro’s bike(s) are his pride and joy so may as well make them a feature within his house. These nifty little wall fittings come in at just £5 and leave extra pennies for a good smelling beard oil. He’ll have to buy the bike rack himself mind…
From established brands like Kent to local favourites Apothecary 87, it would be impossible to walk out of their store (online, pop up or stand alone) without a smiling face and a swinging bag. You can catch The Brotique on their trip to Glasgow within Hummingbird‘s ‘Posh Room’ on level 1 from the 23rd of September until 4th of October from 11am – 5pm. For all you Edinburgers, you can find their store on 41 Saint Stephen Street. On behalf of woman everywhere, Brotique, we thank you. Will you be stopping by The Brotique?