Since starting the blog a few years back I have came across many a talent, some have kept within my memory but few have captured my heart. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to the magnificent Art by Ciara Sana.
The Self Portrait
Since stumbling across her via my instagram addiction, I have become obsessed. Based in Washington, Ciara spends her days creating heartfelt portraits which not only captures the spirit of the subject, but the emotions of the beholder, and it looks like she has a soft spot for us Scots!
Portrait of Glasgow’s Favourite Beard – Chris John Millington
Glasgow local Texan Beauty – Vivi Stirling
Spreading the good word of #scotstreetstyle
One of my favourite things about Art by Ciara Sana is that each of her pieces come with a story to tell, even if it does not have a caption. To me, this is the true makings of an artist. Her traditional tattoo style has become so identifiable not just for the perfect structure, beautiful detailing and tone but from the genuine love for her craft which echoes through every single piece she starts.
I sat at the bay today while drawing this and an old man came up to me and said the kindest words to me. He asked me if I was a student, and I told him I never went to school for art, I just do this because I love it. He told me to never stop because I have greatness in me. I was overwhelmed with joy, and I did this piece for that reason. Follow what you love and it will direct you to success. For me, success is found in knowing that I can help others feel the same joy that I have. I do this for you guys, and I appreciate all the love and support all of you have shown me these past few months.
Isn’t she the most wonderful soul you have ever heard??? When I woke up to my portrait last week I was actually, literally, completely and utterly speechless -really I was! Although being a fashion blogger, like every girl I have my insecurities. Being the speccy, chubby cheeked girl, always the ‘cute one’ professionally angling my face so can’t see my squint, I am the first to pull a funny face rather than a pout. When I saw this, she made me feel beautiful. She made what was originally going to be a difficult day easier. She lit up the faces of my family, friends and I couldn’t believe it was me never mind the fact that someone I have never met took the time to do such a thing, it was so touching. This isn’t someone who is good at gliding a pen across paper, this is someone who has the gift of bearing her soul to the world. If the work that I have shown you doesn’t fill the Ciara shaped hole which has now been created, go add her on instagram, follow her on Facebook or even invite her into your home with a print from her Etsy shop! Ciara will commission a piece for $25 for you and post around the world. If like me, you are in love with everything she touches you can get two prints for $20 by using the code INSTAGRAM! This is a girl you want to get right in about. Trust me.
Art by Ciara, on behalf of myself, Scotland and the whole wide world we thank you for sharing your work with us. I can not wait to see what the future holds for you, keep spreading your love and the sky is the limit! Just make sure you visit Scotland sometime soon!
I think you have helped me find my new favourite artist! She is incredible!
You have brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful to have met such wonderful people through my art. It shows that when you follow your passion, nothing short of success follows. Success for me is not the money I make from sharing my art, but the joy I get from seeing that others are touched by my vulnerability and interpretation of others and the world around me. You have truly touched my heart. I will be in Scotland soon my dear!
Oh Sheri, properly was welling up at this. This is so so so lovely. I love this picture of you so so much xxxx
Ciara’s artwork is unbelievable! Thank you for introducing me to such amazing artwork and a talented artist(: